Different Actions For Each Button Using Ajax
Solution 1:
You can't have three buttons for a single form. Simply create three buttons that will have unique class names, in addition to a synonymous class that you can reference on button click. Then reference the click handler for that synonymous class (rather than the form submission):
<form method="post"id="form_shirt" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="id_shirt"id="id_shirt" class="form-control"> Name:
<input type="text" name="name_shirt"id="name_shirt" class="form-control" required="required"> Price:
<input type="text" name="price_shirt"id="price_shirt" class="form-control" required="required">
<button name="btninsert"id="btninsert" value="Insert" class="submit insert_shirts btn btn-success" />
<button name="btnupdate"id="btnupdate" value="Update" class="submit update_shirts btn btn-warning" />
<button name="btndelete"id="btndelete" value="Delete" class="submit delete_shirts btn btn-danger" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.submit').on("click", function() {
url: this.classList[1] + ".php",
method: "POST",
data: newFormData(this),
contentType: false,
cache: false,
processData: false,
success: function(data) {
Note that you can have the three separate functions in one $(document).ready()
, and the three functions can all be combined into one, sending different url
parameters to AJAX by using this.classList: url: this.classList[1] + ".php"
. The 1
denotes the second class of each element (insert_shirts
, update_shirts
and delete_shirts
Also note that you won't need event.preventDefault()
, as you're no longer targeting the form submission.
Hope this helps! :)
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