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Retrieving R Object Attributes In Javascript - Part 2

I posted a similar question earlier (Retrieving R object attributes in JavaScript). In that earlier post, I oversimplified my MWE, and so the answer I rewarded unfortunately does n

Solution 1:

I'm not sure you can access the hex IDs from plotly or whether it keeps this data somewhere so one option is to pass all the data needed for your purpose to the onRender function.

First you could add to your bindata dataframe a column per hexplot, called mX-mY (where you replace mX and mY by their value for each column), that would hold for each observation the hexbin it belongs to for that plot:

for(i in 2:5) {
  for(j in 1:4) {
    bindata[[paste(i,j,sep="-")]] <- attr(pS[i,j]$data, "cID")

You can then pass bindata to the onRender function and whever you click on a hexagon in one of the plot, check in the corresponding column in bindata which observations belong to that hexbin:

ggPS %>% onRender("
              function(el, x, data) {
              myLength = Math.sqrt(document.getElementsByClassName('cartesianlayer')[0].childNodes.length);
              el.on('plotly_click', function(e) {
              xVar = (e.points[0].xaxis._id).replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')
              if (xVar.length == 0) xVar = 1
              yVar = (e.points[0].yaxis._id).replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')
              if (yVar.length == 0) yVar = 1
              myX = myLength + 1 - (yVar - myLength * (xVar - 1))
              myY = xVar
              cN = e.points[0].curveNumber
              split1 = ([cN].text).split(' ')
              hexID = ([cN].text).split(' ')[2]
              counts = split1[1].split('<')[0]
              var selected_rows = [];
                if(row[myX+'-'+myY]==hexID) selected_rows.push(row);
              ", data = bindata)

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