Php Compare Two Dates
I have two dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD and I want to compare them do do some task. I tried this piece of code: $temp_date = strtotime($cu['date']); $temp_upto
Solution 1:
Nope, this isn't right. You're comparing two date strings. You want to compare the timestamps instead:
$temp_dateTS = strtotime($cu['date']);
$temp_uptoTS = strtotime($upto_date);
if ($temp_dateTS <= $temp_uptoTS) {
# code...
This is also possible (and better) if you use DateTime
$temp_date = new DateTime($cu['date']);
$temp_upto = new DateTime($upto_date);
if ($temp_date <= $temp_upto) {
# code...
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