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Change Switch Main Path According To Api

React(hooks)beginner here, at the moment when driver or admin goes to website it is like this(example): App.js: As you can see main path is this :

Solution 1:

Totally untested but my hunch is something along the lines of:

Use useState to hold the default route and update the default route if the result of your api call says it's a customer. Pass the state to the Redirect.

importReact, {useState, useEffect } from"react";


const [ defaultRoute, setDefaultRoute ] = useState("/a");


useEffect( () => {}, [
  ...fetch api stuff...
  if(isCustomer()) setDefaultRoute("/g");


return (<divclassName="app"><Switch><Routepath="/a"><A /></Route><Routepath="/c"><C /></Route><Routepath="/b"><B /></Route><Routepath="/"><Redirectto={defaultRoute} /></Route></Switch></div>);

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