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How To Get Text From This Html Tag By Using Jsoup?

I meet a position when i using jsoup to extracting data. The data like this: This is a strong number 2013 I want to get data

Solution 1:

You can parse the html into a Document, select the body-Element and get its text.


Document doc = Jsoup.parse("This is a <strong>strong</strong> number <date>2013</date>");

String ownText = doc.body().ownText();
Stringtext = doc.body().text();



This is a number  
This is astrong number 2013

Solution 2:

This should answer your question :

publicStringescapeHtml(String source) {
    Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(source);
    Elements elements ="b");
    for (Element element : elements) {
    returnJsoup.clean(doc.body().toString(), newWhitelist().addTags("a").addAttributes("a", "href", "name", "rel", "target"));

Jsoup - Howto clean html by escaping not deleting the unwanted html?

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