Can An Iframe Pop Up A Lightbox-style Box?
Solution 1:
It is not possible for the <iframe>
to interact with its parent frame if the two frames are on different domains.
Solution 2:
If both sites belong to the same domain you can add the JS of the lightbox to the main frame and call the function inside the iframe using ´parent.function´
Solution 3:
Try looking at fancybox. I know that supports iframes, and I always use it over Lightbox, much more customisable. I am pretty sure it can deal with nested iframes, however I could be wrong. Worth a try nether the less.
Can display images, HTML elements, SWF movies, Iframes and also Ajax requests
There are examples on the bottom of the page:
Solution 4:
I don't know if it's around anywhere online, but i saw Facebook give a presentation about injecting an iframe into other sites to circumvent such problems with cross-site issues. Worth a look.
Solution 5:
It is possible but only if you can have some controll of the remote server. There are various ways to do that but to gice you a quick start you can use this simple frame postman.
When you recieve a message from the frame (probably with image URL) you simply open a lightbox dialog in your main document.
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