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R Shiny Includehtml Missing Htmlwidgets In A Reactive Context

UPDATE: I posted a related question here I need to include an html file in shiny using includeHTML. The file is generated by rmarkdown, and has a large number of htmlWidgets. Shin

Solution 1:

Just getting a chance to dig into this, and the error I am getting is with the window.buildTabsets() from these lines.

Fix in YAML

If I render using these yaml options to disable the bootstrap, I get the expected result, but we lose bootstrap.

--- title:"test"author:"me"date:'`r Sys.Date()`'output:html_document:theme:nullmathjax:null---


If possible, will you please verify that this also works on your side?

Better Approach?

In general, I would recommend a different approach, since the rendered html will contain all dependencies, and will be a very large file that gets passed across the websocket. Perhaps, this issue can help describe a potentially better approach.

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