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Add A Span Tag Inside P After Certain Amount Of Characters

Suppose you have this for your HTML:

I have some content that is good to read

However you would like to add a s

Solution 1:

Set the amount of characters after you want to set the span. Get text of the p element. Substring from start until the amount of chars, add the span, continue with the rest and add the closing span


var after=26;
var html = $(".contentBox p").html();
html = html.substring(0, after) + "<span>" + html.substring(after)+"</span>";
$(".contentBox p").html(html);


Solution 2:

String.prototype.insertTextAtIndices = function (text) {
    returnthis.replace(/./g, function (char, index) {
        return text[index] ? text[index] + char : char;
//usagevar range = {
    25: "<span style='color:red'>",
    40: "</span>"

document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML.insertTextAtIndices(range);

Solution 3:

You can make use of JavaScript's substr method.

functionaddSpan($elems) {
  $elems.each(function() {
      var $elem = $(this),
          text = $elem.text();

      if (text.length <= 25)

      var start = text.substr(0, 25),         // "I have some content that "
          end = text.substr(25, text.length); // "is good to read"

      $elem.html(start + '<span>' + end + '</span>');

span {
  color: #f00;
<scriptsrc=""></script><divclass="contentBox"><p>I have some content that is good to read</p></div><divclass="contentBox"><p>I have some content that is good to read and this is a much longer string!</p></div>

Solution 4:

Try this : get first part and second part of the string using substring() and modify text with span element to put it into html of p tag.

Below function will iterate all p under contentBox div, but if you are targeting only one div then you can use it without .each()

    $('.contentBox p').each(function(){
      var text = $(this).text();
      var first = text.substring(0,26);
      var second = text.substring(26,text.length);
      $(this).html(first + '<span>' + second + '</span>');  


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