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Html5 Canvas Image Moving Flickering

In canvas, there is a image, which moves on events of arrow keys. But it flickers in firefox and works fine on chrome and ie. I don't want a solution like to clear only the portion

Solution 1:

This is what I meant with "caching the images":

var images = {}; // This will contain the Image objects// Other definitions...functionupdate() {

    if (keys[38]) {
        if (!images.back) {
            // The image object hasn't been defined yet.
            images.back = newImage();
            images.back.src = "img/player/player_back.png";
        playerObj = images.back;
    // Other checks on the pressed keys// ...// Computations on the position...if (!playerObj.naturalWidth) {
        // If naturalWidth/Height is 0, then the image hasn't been loaded yet.// We update the onload listener to draw in the right position.
        playerObj.onload = function() {
            ctx.drawImage(playerObj, x, y);
    // The image has already been loaded, so we just draw it
    } else ctx.drawImage(playerObj, x, y);

(As an warning on your code, it seems that you want to handle multiple pressed keys, but the last one in the sequence up-down-right-left always "wins" over the others. Is that really what you want?)

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