How To Hide The Border Of A Recaptcha V2.0 Widget?
Solution 1:
I wanted to hide the borders of a v2.0 ReCaptcha (the one with the "I'm not a robot" checkbox), and solved it as follows:
Wrap the recaptcha div (the one that is marked with the class "g-recaptcha") with another div, and size it a bit smaller than the iframe comes in at, and shift the iframe using position: relative and left: -10px, to hide the borders.
If you're using the "compact" version, you'll need to adjust the sizing... the css I provide works for the "normal" version.
NOTE: Tested on Safari 9.1.2 (OSX) only, but I'd guess the technique will translate to other browsers too.
Hope this helps!
<divclass="my-div"><divclass="g-recaptcha"data-size="normal"data-sitekey="<your site key>"></div><div>
.my-div {
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
width: 290px; /* note the embedded iframe is 302x76 */height: 74px;
text-align: left;
.my-diviframe {
position: relative;
left: -10px;
Solution 2:
NOTE: for people brought here by google but with different problem
If you want to hide just borders not making it edge less keeping original design just do following:
<div class="captcha"><divclass="g-recaptcha"data-size="normal"data-sitekey="<your site key>"></div><div></div>
.captchaiframe {
position: relative;
box-shadow: none !important;
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