How To Distinguish Between The First Page Load And The Consecutive Page Refresh Events In Javascript?
Hi I need to distinguish between 2 events, When the page loads for the first time, I want to set some value in the header say 'Welcome' Later if after loading if the user refreshe
Solution 1:
As this answer states, you can use cookies. When the page is refreshed, this function will check if the cookie exists or not. If it doesn't, the function will set a cookie. If the cookie does exist, then the function will alert "You refreshed!".
functioncheckFirstVisit() {
if(document.cookie.indexOf('mycookie')==-1) {
// cookie doesn't exist, create it nowdocument.cookie = 'mycookie=1';
else {
// not first visit, so alertalert('You refreshed!');
and in your body tag, put:
EDIT: To make sure that if a user leaves the page and then re-enters it without closing and opening the browser in between, you can use some onunload event to clear the cookie.
Solution 2:
If you don't have to support old browsers, I suggest to use localStorage
if (localStorage.getItem("visit") == null)
// Show Welcome message
$('body').append("<h1>Welcome, guest!</h1>");
localStorage.setItem("visit", newDate());
// Here you can check if last visit date is longer than a day and clear it up, showing Welcome message again...
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