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How Can I Get The Function Bound To An Onclick Attribute?

I've got a function bound to the onclick event in the html, like so: test

Solution 1:

see this document.getElementById("id_of_your_element").onclick if that help you, it will return click handler, and you can call that, but its not right to raise events manually

Solution 2:

Something like this:


var defaultFunction = $('a').attr('onclick');
var defaultFunctionName = defaultFunction.substring(0, defaultFunction.indexOf('('));

$('div').on('click', function(){

   if(typeofwindow[defaultFunctionName] ==="function")
    alert('Hello universe!');

Solution 3:

It's just onclick attribute, no jQuery required:

<script>functionf1(){ alert('hello world'); };
    bb.onclick = aa.onclick;
    // or
    bb.onclick = function (){ alert('hello bb'); };   

Solution 4:

Use this:

function f1() { 
    alert('hello world');
$('a').on('click', f1);

Here is your fiddle with the fix:

Solution 5:

Instead of attempting to copy the function bound inline, you could trigger the click event programatically:

functiondefaultFunction() {
    $("a[onclick]").click(); // change selector to match your actual element

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