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Making AJAX Applications Crawlable? How To Build A Simple Web Service On Google App Engine To Produce HTML Snapshots?

Real World Problem: I have my app hosted on Heroku, who (to my knowledge) are unable to offer a solution for running a Headless (GUI-less) Browser - such as HTMLUnit - for generat

Solution 1:

I have successfully used HTMLunit on AppEngine. My GWT code to do this is available in the gwt-platform project the results I got were similar to that of the HTMLunit-AppEngine test application by Amit Manjhi.

It should be relatively easy to use GWTP current HTMLunit support to do exactly what you describe, although you could likely do it in a simpler app. One problem I see is that AppEngine requests have a 30 second timeout, so you can't have a page that takes HTMLunit longer than that to process.

UPDATE: It's been a while, but I finally closed the long standing issue about making GWT applications crawlable using GWTP. The documentation is not entirely there, but check out the issue:

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