HTML5 Dragend Event Firing Immediately
Solution 1:
As i mentioned in the topic dragend, dragenter, and dragleave firing off immediately when I drag , what solved the problem (which looks to be a Chrome bug) for me was to add a setTimeout of 10 milliseconds into the handler and manipulate the DOM in that timeout.
Solution 2:
I don't have a direct solution, but changing the DOM in the dragStart event handler is causing this problem, and any code that changes the DOM should really go in the dragEnter event handler - doing so, drag&drop events are fired more reliably.
Not sure whether this is by design - it feels a bit like a bug though.
Solution 3:
This is a known chrome issue. Problem is, as Joerg mentions that you manipulates the dom on dragstart.
You can do so, but you need to do it in a timeout.
Solution 4:
Just had the same problem. I was manipulating the DOM by changing an elements position to fixed in dragStart. I fixed my issues using Ivan's answer like this:
/* This function produced the issue */
function dragStart(ev) {
/* some code */"fixed";
/* This function corrected issue */
function dragStart(ev) {
/*some code */
setTimeout(function changePos() {"fixed";
}, 10);
It seems like the answer to your problem would be
function startDrag(e){
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