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GetElementsByTagName() Method Doesnt Work As Expected

I'm trying to simply change the text inside all

elements with this code Copy

You can also do it for each p tag in your HTML document.

var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

for(var index = 0; index < elem.length; index++){

Solution 2:

It returns a NodeList which you need to loop:

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){

Solution 3:

it returns list of elements

if you have one then you might use:


if you want to apply it to multiple

then you have to iterate over the list

var list = document.getElementsByTagName('p')    
for(index in list){
  list[index].innerHTML = 'work';

Solution 4:

Assuming you have jquery included you can do it as following:

or better


$("p").text("work");/*when the dom of the page is fully loaded text  inside p tags will be changed to "work"*/

That way you have a faster cross browser sollution

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